sh*t moly, peeps, do I have news. News which will both affect the blog greatly, and which doesn't affect it at all. Let's start with the news that
does affect the blog:
This is great news for me, obviously, but not so good for the blog because I'll be working nights, thereby DRASTICALLY reducing my cooking time. (Lucky for all of you, football season has started (thank you, Notre Dame, for almost ruining the Saturday in which my next bit of exciting news occurred) and snacks will be in order, all of which will be on the blog).
Now for the second bit of news, that doesn't affect the blog: the BF is no longer the BF.
But don't despair like our little monkey friend, peeps! The BF is no longer the BF because now he's just the F! We're gettin' hitched!
It's not happening for awhile, but calling the BF the BF going forward would seem strange. So he'll be the F from here on out. Also excited about the recent goings-on:
That's her excited face. I swear.
So bear with me as the blog goes through an adjustment period, peeps. Rest assured that even if I disappear for awhile, I won't be gone forever. And maybe I'll even share wedding food details with you along the way.